
What is Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and what does it do? Read more in our Learning Center. What is ZTNA?

Cloudflare Access

Fast, reliable Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Access verifies context (like identity and device posture) to secure access across your entire environment — no VPN required.

Secure hybrid work

Top use cases for Access

Illustration of an identity and a shield
  • VPN replacement - Access is faster and safer than traditional VPNs. Start offloading critical apps for better security and end user experience.
  • Accelerate mergers & acquisitions - Avoid a traditional network merge entirely. Integrate with multiple IdPs and provide per-app internal access during M&A.
  • Contractor access - Authenticate third-party users like contractors with clientless options, social IdPs, and more.
  • Developer access - Provide privileged technical users secure access to critical infrastructure without performance tradeoffs.
  • Phishing-resistant MFA - Roll out strong authentication, like FIDO2-compliant security keys, everywhere.
Explore hybrid work use cases
Illustration of an identity and a shield

Tackle Zero Trust one step at a time

Connect users to internal resources

How it works

Diagram of how Cloudflare Zero Trust Access works
  • Clientless capabilities support HTTPS traffic and in-browser SSH or VNC terminals, while our device client can help evaluate device posture or extend traffic to other in-line services like Cloudflare Gateway
  • Access verifies identity and device posture and grants continuous, contexual access to all of an organization's internal resources, creating a software-defined perimeter
  • In-line WAF and DDoS threat mitigation further strengthen L7 security for apps protected behind Access
Learn more in our ZTNA product overview
Diagram of how Cloudflare Zero Trust Access works

Helping organizations worldwide progress towards Zero Trust

Tackle Zero Trust one step at a time