VicRoads is the road authority for the state of Victoria, Australia. VicRoads plans, develops and manages the arterial road network and delivers road safety initiatives and customer focused registration and licensing services.
VicRoads’ Challenge: A New Site with DNS built for Performance
“作为政府机构,我们对维多利亚州议会负责,需要提供高质量、高效率的公共服务,”VicRoads 的数字解决方案设计负责人 Stuart Campbell 解释说。我们会持续监控和评估我们与行业内其他领导者的业务绩效对比情况,包括私有企业和公共机构。我们希望成为服务交付的领导者。”
要成为行业领导者,就意味着要拥有快速高效的数字业务。“对于我们的新站点,我们想找到性能最高、速度最快的 DNS 提供商,”Stuart 说道。
VicRoads’ Solution: Safe Roads, Fast and Safe Website
“Prior to Cloudflare, we were using a custom built solution with legacy vendors, comprised by many different components,” stated Stuart. “Today Cloudflare is used to replace six previous different systems.” Cloudflare is the fastest managed DNS provider on the planet. VicRoads enjoyed the performance they were getting on Cloudflare with their legacy site, so they decided to build their new site specifically with Cloudflare’s architecture in mind.
“我们之所以选择 Cloudflare,是因为我们不需要做任何事情,它就能正常工作,”Stuart 继续说道。“我们的核心重点是降低成本,同时获得强大的支持。Cloudflare 正是这样做的,他们收取合理价格,深入参与、大力支持。遇到的任何问题,都有人愿意坐下来讨论,让我们感到很高兴。Cloudflare 帮助我们完成了更多事物,获得了更高的转化率,并减少了投诉。同时,还保护我们的敏感数据并满足必要的安全性和合规性措施。”
如今,VicRoads 几乎使用了整个 Cloudflare 产品套件。Cloudflare 的 CDN 和托管 DNS 服务可以协同工作,使 VicRoads 的站点尽可能快。同样,VicRoads 使用 Cloudflare 的 DDoS 缓解措施和 WAF (Web Application Firewall) 来保护其站点,使其免于因为 DDoS 攻击的影响而脱机,并确保客户数据的安全。此外,借助 Rate Limiting,VicRoads 可以保护其登录页面和客户帐户免受第 7 层攻击。