Lepsze przesyłanie strumieniowe filmów dzięki usłudze Cloudflare Stream Delivery

Get video caching and delivery with predictable pricing
Cloudflare stream delivery - illustration

Globalna sieć Anycast firmy Cloudflare zapewnia szybkie dostarczanie filmów, krótsze czasy uruchamiania filmów i skrócone buforowanie, niezależnie od tego, gdzie znajdują się Twoi odwiedzający.

Zapisujemy w pamięci podręcznej i dostarczamy treści wideo HTTP(S), w tym formaty z adaptacyjnym bitratem, do odwiedzających w zryczałtowanej cenie, co pozwala oszczędzić na kosztach przepustowości serwera pochodzenia.

Nasz bogaty ekosystem usług dotyczących wydajności i bezpieczeństwa, dostrojonych specjalnie pod kątem treści wideo, zapewnia najlepszą niezawodność i dostarczanie.

Cloudflare stream delivery - illustration
Pomarańczowa rakieta symbolizująca szybkość i wydajność — ikona
Fast delivery

Our content delivery network (CDN) spans 335 cities across 125 countries, including 35 in China, so you can deliver high-quality video content at global scale.

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Reliable, flat-rate pricing

Cache videos to save on origin server bandwidth costs and enjoy predictable pricing, even in the case of legitimate traffic spikes and volumetric DDoS attacks.

Reduced data egress costs

Customers hosting websites with Cloudflare Bandwidth Alliance partners can decrease or eliminate data egress costs from their hosting provider to Cloudflare when dynamic content is requested.


Minimize latency and deliver consistent, high-quality video experiences

Stream Delivery - How it works - Diagram

Cloudflare caches and delivers HTTP(S) video content, including adaptive bitrate formats, to give your visitors a seamless experience.

Stream Delivery - How it works - Diagram
Enhance video quality

Improve visitor engagement with high-quality online video experiences, regardless of device, connection type, or location.

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Ensure video uptime

Ensure the continuous availability of video content with DDoS protection (with 348 Tbps Tbps of network capacity), our web application firewall (WAF), and rate limiting services.

Purge cache instantly

Selectively purge videos from Cloudflare’s entire network cache within seconds.

Encrypt files automatically

Automatically encrypt all files proxied through the Cloudflare network to prevent snooping.

Caliente.mx uses Cloudflare to improve real-time video streaming at scale

Caliente.mx needed to provide users with the best-possible live-action betting and sports viewing experience, but faced latency hurdles across their global userbase.

With Cloudflare Stream Delivery, Caliente.mx is able to ensure the highest throughput and lowest possible latency across our entire customer base, so their users never receive outdated information or experience lagging video performance.

We didn’t want to compromise — we wanted a single solution to provide our users with the safest, most responsive gaming experience possible. Cloudflare offered everything we needed.

Streamline and speed up your video delivery


Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud simplifies and streamlines video infrastructure, delivery, and performance

The connectivity cloud — a unified platform of cloud-native services — helps organizations achieve optimal site performance and security at scale:

cloudflare api
Komponowalna architektura

Urzeczywistniaj każdy przypadek użycia dzięki pełnej programowalności interfejsów API oraz dostosowanym do lokalizacji funkcjom rejestrowania, routingu, zapisywania w pamięci podręcznej i deszyfrowania.

icon integrations  mint

Preserve user experiences with single-pass inspection and a network that’s 50 ms from 95 of Internet users.

Threat intelligence

Block more threats — known and unknown — with intelligence gleaned from blocking ~227 billion daily threats.

Unified interface

Reduce tool sprawl and alert fatigue by uniting hybrid work security services in one UI.