Cloudflare’s developer services

Build, deploy, and deliver applications from a unified platform of cloud-native services
Illustration of laptop with code and icons

Cloudflare offers everything your teams need to deliver trusted serverless applications — including compute, storage, and full-stack services like image optimization and video streaming.

Illustration of laptop with code and icons
Cloudflare pages - round icon

Create full-stack applications from the most popular frameworks with minimal configuration.

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Cloudflare workers - round icon

Deploy functions as a service to region: Earth for exceptional performance, reliability, and scale.

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Image - round icon

Build a highly scalable image pipeline to resize, optimize, store, and deliver images.

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Cloudflare stream delivery - round icon

Ingest, encode, record, and play live and on-demand videos.

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Cloudflare gateway - round icon
AI Gateway

Manage and scale generative AI workloads with an AI ops platform.

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Vectorize - round icon

Store and query embeddings as close to users as possible without having to think about scale.

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Cloudflare workers - round icon
Workers AI

Scale AI inference to meet growing user demands without infrastructure headaches.

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Storage & Databases
D1 - round icon

Build natively serverless relational SQL databases with point-in-time recovery.

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Cloudflare durable objects - round icon
Durable Objects

Maintain strong consistency of state across multiple clients, events, and connections.

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Hyperdrive - round icon

Make your regional databases feel globally distributed.

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Performance acceleration bolt

Deliver high performance applications with zero-egress fee object storage.

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Workers KV - round icon
Workers KV

Store, modify, and query key-value data across 330 global locations.

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The modern digital core for migrating or building new applications

Developer Week 2024 logo

Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud is a secure and distributed compute, storage, and application environment that helps you regain control of complex infrastructure and escalating costs — and innovate faster. It offers:

Developer Week 2024 logo
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Fast, secure customer experiences

Security and performance services run in every server in every location where your code lives, and single-pass inspection and request processing reduces delays.

Automatic, near-infinite scale

Applications and code are automatically deployed to region: Earth with little to no configuration, and take advantage of our 296 Tbps (and growing) network capacity.

GPU icon
Streamlined AI adoption

Our connectivity cloud is optimized for AI training, inference, security, and optimization — and offer zero egress fee storage.

Improved performance icon
Faster development

A straight line from writing code to production deployment, driving faster feature and application development and automating key optimizations and configurations.

Cloudflare developer services help SYBO
save $60,000 per month in bandwidth costs

Mobile game company SYBO needed to establish more reliable, higher-performing connections between its servers and erratic mobile ISPs in different regions

They adopted R2, Cloudflare’s globally distributed, egress fee-free object storage service. Now, they save big on bandwidth, and Cloudflare’s built-in caching services deliver performance improvements as high as 80%.

“With Cloudflare R2 and caching, we can now serve up to a petabyte of traffic and save around $60,000 each month. Cloudflare substantially expands our ability to experiment and enter new markets.”

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