VPN 不堪重负?Cloudflare 可助一臂之力。

近期远程工作激增,挑战 VPN 解决方案的极限。
Behind-the-firewall applications - like Confluence, Jira, and SAP - are foundational to the work of your internal teams.
Cloudflare Access, part of Cloudflare for Teams, helps your team stay connected to corporate applications from any location or device - without a VPN.
Now through September 1, Cloudflare is offering Access free of cost.
Technical experts are standing by to help you get it set up.
Fill out the form to the right and we'll get in touch to answer any questions and schedule an onboarding session.

Cloudflare 团队解决方案

提交此表格,即表示您同意接收关于 Cloudflare 产品、活动和特惠的信息。您可以随时退订此类消息。我们重视您的隐私选择,绝不会出售您的数据。请参阅我们的隐私政策以了解相关信息。

确保内部应用程序安全,无需 VPN。

Cloudflare Access 可实现安全无缝访问远程应用程序。

使用 Access,您可以:

  • 安全地公开内部工具供您的员工通过 互联网使用
  • 评估对工具的每个请求以要求身份验证
  • 使登录内部托管应用程序与 SaaS 应用程序一样简单