Speed Week 2021

SPEED WEEK 2021 Hero Image
SPEED WEEK 2021 Hero Image


Welcome to Speed Week 2021

Make your internet faster than the speed of light. Tune in as we announce exciting new products, updates, and how we developed our own like-for-like testing tool to measure performance across the Internet.

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Two Weeks Later: Finding and Eliminating Long Tail Latencies

A little over two weeks ago, we shared extensive benchmarking results of edge networks around the world, and made a commitment that we would improve in 10% of networks where we were not #1.

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Cloudflare TV

Welcome to Speed Week

Join Rustam Lalkaka (Director of Product, Cloudflare) and Marc Lamik (Director of Product, Cloudflare) for an Speed Week fireside chat.

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Cloudflare Passes 250 Cities, Triples External Network Capacity, 8x-es Backbone

Today, I have three speedy infrastructure updates: we’ve passed 250 on-network cities, more than tripled our external network capacity, and increased our long-haul internal backbone network by over 800% since the start of 2020.

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Press Release: Cloudflare Grows its Network By 25 Percent to Speed Up and Secure the Internet

Cloudflare has announced that we have grown our global network by 25% to more than 250 cities in over 100 countries in the last two years.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Workers and Cloudflare Network Expansion

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss how we are expanding our network and for an exciting update on our Workers product!

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Cloudflare Workers: the Fast Serverless Platform

Today, Workers is 30% faster than it was three years ago at P90. And it is 210% faster than Lambda@Edge, and 298% faster than Lambda.

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Vary for Images: Serve the Correct Images to the Correct Browsers

We’re excited to announce support for Vary, an HTTP header that ensures different content types can be served to user-agents with differing capabilities.

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From AMP to Signed Exchanges, Or How Innovation Happens at Cloudflare

This is the story of how we decided to work with Google to build Signed Exchanges support at Cloudflare. But, more generally, it's also a story of how Cloudflare thinks about building disruptive new products.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Live-Updating Analytics and Instant Logs

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss Live-Updating Analytics and Instant Logs

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Signed Exchanges, Early Hints, and Tiered Caching

Join our product management team as they discuss Signed Exchanges, Early Hints, and Tiered Caching!

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Improving Origin Performance for Everyone with Orpheus and Tiered Cache

Building a better Internet means helping build more reliable and efficient services that everyone can use.

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Argo 2.0: Smart Routing Learns New Tricks

Starting today, all Free, Pro, and Business plan Argo customers will see improved performance with no additional configuration or charge.

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Improve site load times and SEO with one-click support for Signed Exchanges on Google Search

Starting today, Cloudflare customers will be able to generate Signed Exchanges (SXG) for Google Search with just one click.

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How we built Instant Logs

In this blog post, we’ll show you how we built a new system that can give you access to your Cloudflare logs in real time, with just a single click.

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Data at Cloudflare just got a lot faster: Announcing Live-updating Analytics and Instant Logs

Today, we’re excited to introduce Live-updating Analytics and Instant Logs. For Pro, Business, and Enterprise customers, our analytics dashboards now update in real time. In addition to this, Enterprise customers can now view their HTTP request logs instantly in the Cloudflare dashboard.

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Cloudflare Images Now Available to Everyone

Today, we are launching Cloudflare Images for all customers. Images provides a single product to store, resize and serve images. We built Cloudflare Images, so customers of all sizes can build a scalable and affordable image pipeline with a fraction of the effort.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Cloudflare Images

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss our newest release, Cloudflare Images!

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Optimizing images on the web

A detailed breakdown of how best to optimize images for the web, a new tool to test a webpage's image performance, and explanation of how Cloudflare Images can help to improve your website's image experience.

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Discovering what’s slowing down your website with Web Analytics

Cloudflare Web Analytics makes essential web analytics, such as the top-performing pages on your website and top referrers, available to everyone for free, and it’s becoming more powerful than ever.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Web Analytics

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss Web Analytics

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How Cloudflare Images can make your life easier

Are you tired of buckets and non ending egress fees? Cloudflare Images can help you to create and maintain your entire image pipeline.

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Building Cloudflare Images in Rust and Cloudflare Workers

Using Rust and Cloudflare Workers helps us quickly iterate and deliver product improvements over the coming weeks and months.

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The Zero Trust platform built for speed

Cloudflare Zero Trust secures your company’s users, devices, and data — without slowing you down. Your team should not need to sacrifice performance in order to be secure.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Built for Speed: Zero Trust and Magic Transit

Join Annika Garbers (Product Manager, Cloudflare) and Sam Rhea (Director of Product Management, Cloudflare) as they discuss our newest updates to Cloudflare One and Magic Transit!

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Press Release: Cloudflare To Speed Up Millions of Websites, Automatically and For Free

New technology can help browsers make the Internet 30% faster

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Early Hints, Global Backbone, and Last Mile Networking

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss our newest releases, Early Hints, Global Backbone, and Last Mile Networking.

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Cloudflare Backbone: A Fast Lane on the Busy Internet Highway

It’s important that our network continues to help bring improved performance and resiliency to the Internet. To accomplish this, we built our own backbone.

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Magic makes your network faster

Today, as part of Speed Week, we’ll break down the other side of the Magic: how using Cloudflare can automatically make your entire network faster.

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Unboxing the Last Mile: Introducing Last Mile Insights

The last 20% of the work requires 80% of the effort.” The Pareto Principle applies in many domains — nowhere more so on the Internet, however, than on the Last Mile.

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Early Hints: How Cloudflare Can Improve Website Load Times by 30%

Today, Cloudflare is announcing support for Early Hints. Early Hints takes advantage of “server think time” to asynchronously send instructions to the browser to begin loading resources while the origin server is compiling the full response, which can improve page load time by 30%.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Customer Cloudversations

During this special Speed Week edition of Customer Cloudversations, Joel Snook from Blackboard Learning will discuss Blackboard's experience with Cloudflare and the industry as a whole.

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Announcing Project Turpentine: an easy way to get off Varnish

Project Turpentine is the easiest way to replicate a varnish configuration on Cloudflare. Just export your full VCL from another provider and use Turpentine to move to a TypeScript-based runtime for varnish on Cloudflare Workers.

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Cloudflare TV

Speed Week: Project Turpentine, RUM Speed Tests

Join our product and engineering teams as they discuss our newest releases, Project Turpentine and RUM Speed Tests

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Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

We recently ran a measurement experiment where we used Real User Measurement (RUM) data from the standard browser API to test the performance of Cloudflare and others in real-world conditions across the globe.

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Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

With Cloudflare’s extensive network, consisting of 250+ cities, your Pages site is deployed directly to the edge in seconds.

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Profiling Your Workers with Wrangler

To help measure performance of our customers’ Workers, we’re beginning to integrate with the Chrome DevTools protocol.

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Project Myriagon: Cloudflare Passes 10,000 Connected Networks

This is the culmination of a special project we’ve been working on for the last few months dubbed Project Myriagon, a reference to the 10,000-sided polygon of the same name.

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