Cloudflare Grows Enterprise Business More Than 80 Percent Year Over Year Amid Significant Product Rollouts

The company vastly expanded its network and grew its capacity to 15 Tbps

San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2017 — Cloudflare, the leading Internet performance and security company, today announced record growth for its business. The company continued its expansion into enterprise services, with that business growing more than 80 percent and average deal size up nearly 40 percent year over year. Cloudflare now protects more than seven million Internet properties and has nearly 2,000 enterprise customers. Roughly half of Cloudflare’s business is from outside the United States.

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past year, expanding our network, team, and capabilities as part of our goal to help build a better Internet,” said Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. “We have continued to significantly expand and broaden our product offering, and I am looking forward to bringing an even better Internet experience to our customers in 2018.”

Today’s announcement caps off a strong year for Cloudflare. In 2017, the company announced 14 new products, including Argo, a smart routing system that improves performance for customers, Orbit, a solution that protects millions of IoT devices from the network level, Cloudflare Apps, a free platform that enables developers to build applications for Cloudflare’s millions of customers, and Cloudflare Stream, the company’s first video solution that makes integrating high-quality streaming video into a web or mobile application easy.

In addition to these announcements, Cloudflare hired its first CFO, and acquired Neumob to extend its benefits to mobile devices. The company’s global network spans 119 unique cities across 58 countries, has 15Tbps of network capacity, and is the most interconnected to Internet exchanges globally among edge networks.

In December 2017, independent analyst firm Forrester Research Inc. included Cloudflare in its Forrester Wave™for DDoS Mitigation Solutions report. Cloudflare was listed as a leader among 10 other vendors.

Cloudflare now has more than 500 employees, up from 300 just over a year ago. The company continues to grow its engineering, sales, marketing, and support teams across its offices in San Francisco, Austin, Champaign, IL, London, New York, Washington D.C., and Singapore.

To learn more about Cloudflare, please check out the resources below.

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Daniella Vallurupalli
+1 650-741-3104