Risk posture management

Risk posture hero

Cloudflare for Unified Risk Posture reduces risk while also reducing the effort required from SecOps teams.

Evaluate risk, exchange data with other tools, and enforce controls everywhere with automated and dynamic risk posture enforcement.

Risk posture hero

Attack surfaces are growing, managing risk is too complex

Illustration of a risk posture problem

Managing risk has become increasingly complex and inefficient, especially as businesses embrace hybrid work, build new digital apps, and more recently, experiment with AI. Meanwhile, sprawling security tools designed to cope with this expanding attack surface result in visibility gaps, alert fatigue, and false positives.

Read Forrester study
Illustration of a risk posture problem
Alert icon
Growing attack surface

Vulnerabilities multiply as businesses embrace hybrid work, build new digital apps and experiences, and pursue digital transformation.

Too many tools, too many alerts

Security teams are overwhelmed with data from siloed and outdated tools with limited visibility and compatibility across IT environments.

Wrench icon
Manual effort and wasted time

Security teams spend inordinate time and effort juggling disparate tools and reacting to a deluge of alerts, many of which pose no risk.


Mitigate risk across your attack surface with less effort

Risk posture solution diagram

Cloudflare for Unified Risk Posture brings multiple aspects of risk posture management together in one fully integrated security platform.

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Risk posture solution diagram
Manage risk posture for your business
Icon of a magnifying glass
Evaluate risk from people and apps

Advanced risk scoring models detect suspicious user behavior, malicious payloads, and zero-day threats.

Exchange risk data with partners

Ingest risk scores from EPP and IDP vendors. Share telemetry with SIEM and XDR platforms.

Security shield protection 2
Enforce automated risk controls at scale

Enforce consistent security policies for people and apps across any location in the world.

Faster response times, lower costs, and less wasted time

improvement in response times to security and performance incidents


reduction in total cost of ownership (TCO) of security and IT investments


reduced time spent on managing systems/processes*

Global leaders, including 30% of the Fortune 1000, rely on Cloudflare

Explore how Cloudflare can help you manage risk posture

How it works

Strong security controls and risk scoring, via our connectivity cloud

Cloudflare combines analyst-recognized SASE and WAAP capabilities with a rich partner ecosystem for complete risk posture management, delivered anywhere in the world via our connectivity cloud.

Thought bubble icon
Dynamic risk scoring

Detect and adapt to suspicious activity by users, attackers, bots, and more.

Checkmark icon
Apply posture checks

Check for identity and device posture for access requests with your IDP or EPP.

Data analytics icon
Logpush for further analysis

Enrich investigations in your XDR and SIEM platforms with Cloudflare Logs.

See more case studies



See how Cloudflare protects users, apps, and networks from multi-channel phishing

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Join Cloudflare & CrowdStrike in a webinar discussing strategies to manage risk

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Explore how to enforce security and manage risk everywhere

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Risk posture enforce
Solution brief

Dig deeper into how Cloudflare unifies risk posture management

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Risk posture evaluate

Read the press release for Cloudflare for Unified Risk Posture

Read press release
Illustration of a press release

Learn how to unify risk management with this CISO guide

Read the guide
Single Vendor SASE launch / promotion


  1. *2023 Cloudflare TechValidate Survey of Cloudflare App Service Customers